Wednesday, September 21, 2011

remove paint from carpet::Daubs on your divan remove paint from carpet

remove paint from carpet remove paint from carpet::Daubs on your divan?
The most important thing is to keep the spill wet until you can get it up.
If you need to run next door and borrow a shopvac, throw a wet towel or some plastic over the spill to keep it wet.
It will be a long process.
Cleaning wet paint drips from carpet just use water, and a clean absorbent rag to blot the paint up.
Keep turning the rag and blotting until it comes up clean.
Cleaning dried latex paint from carpet if the paint is relatively fresh, say less than a couple of days old, saturate it with very hot water and put a cloth over it for a few minutes.
The hot water will soften the paint, making it easier to clean up.
If the paint is dried solid, try one of the paintremover products like goofoff.
These cleaners typically contain a high level of distilled alcohol or acetone.
They should be used very sparingly and only in a wellventilated room, as the fumes are both toxic and highly flammable.
The safest way to use solvents is sparingly.
Try a few drops on a paper towel.
Never soak a paint spot with solvent.
If the paint drip is dried really hard, you may have to resort to surgery.
The dried paint can be carefully cut out of pile carpet with a sharp knife and only you will know there was paint there.
Paint thinner has no effect on latex paint or any dried paint.
For any washable fabric, blot excess paint, spot clean, then wash the item immediately before it has a chance to dry.
Upholstery can be blotted just as carpeting can, and clothing can be dropped into a sinkful of water or the washing machine.
Once paint has dried into fabric it is often impossible to clean flawlessly.
If the paint has dried, try a solvent cleaner or rubbing alcohol and a stiff toothbrush to work into the fibers.
This can work on some stiff upholstery fabrics, denim or heavy cotton.
Clothes go in the washing machine immediately after treatment with solvents or alcohol.
Furniture should be thoroughly blotted with cool water to eliminate solvent residue.
If paint has dried into lightweight or fine fabric, it is usually impossible to get it out.
You can try getting creative with laundry markers to cover it up, as a last resort.
remove paint from carpet::Mineral spirits will effectively loosen both
latex and oil point; however, before you scrub the stain with this
solvent, test in a closet corner or other inconspicuous area to be sure
bleaching does not occur remove paint from carpet

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