No matter how good everything else in the room looks, having a dirty carpet is a major turn off.
You decide to clean but find out vacuums only suck out the topmost dirt, leaving some stains and microorganisms embedded for the entire world to see.
You think you are out of options but you are not.
What you can very well do is rent a carpet steam cleaner.
Steam cleaners for carpets are water based.
They are used to clean and sterilize the carpets, removing not only the dirt but also the bacteria that have found its way into your home.
You are guessing that it will take time and effort on your part.
Well, maybe it will but you already got the party together all by yourself, better finish it through and through.
You might think to yourself, why bother doing it manually when there are hired professional trained.
Well going to a carpet steam cleaner rental is basically cheaper.
In renting steam cleaners, you have the choice from leasing out home versions or industrial ones mostly used in an office or school setting.
If you are in a time crunch, rent out the industrial one for a hardcore in depth cleaning, but if you are petite, go for something smaller and easier to handle.
Directions will be given along with the cleaner.
Follow them accordingly to get the most out of your rental.
Another benefit to using a steam cleaner is that there are no chemicals involved.
It works very much like a boiler where the tank heats up the water to a certain temperature.
When it reaches about 250 f, steam will escape which not only cleans but also kills bacteria including carpet mites that are invisible to the naked eye.
If you compare the rented carpet steam cleaner with hired professionals, i personally would go for the rental.
And in times of emergency, they might add an extra fee for a rush job.
If you enjoyed cleaning your carpet with a rented carpet steam cleaner, maybe you should do it more often then?
Or until you buy your own steam cleaner to have it handy just in case there will be another party at your place. steam clean carpet::Not only do you want your home to look great, but
you want your home to be healthy as well steam clean carpet
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